Friday 27th February 2009
Elek2ronik presents Jaimie Fanatic!
Friday 27th February 2009
Inigo [map]
20:00 - 04:00
Free before 22:00 - £3 thereafter.
Ticket Info:
Turn up on the door - Free before 10pm - £3 thereafter. Send names to elek2ronik@gmail.com to get your name on the list for a free shooter.
Elek2ronik was the first to bring you Holland's Original Bad Boy for his UK Debut and since we like to show off some of Europe's Finest Talent, you'll be the first to see him again since he got Dubbed "the Remix Play Boy of Dutch House Music!" Your Hosts as usual will be the Duo of Daftness, 2 PhUnKeD uP! And warming things up to ease you into the week-end and help you forget about the working week gone past will be Andrew Naude & Ryan Laurent of the 50/50 Crew!
On the 27th of February, ELEK2RONIK is back at Inigo and will be hosting the last Friday of every 2nd Month! Join us for another Epic Shape Throwing Session alongside Residents 2 PhUnKeD uP for a night of Blissed 'n' Twisted House in all its Guises! All names on the Guestlist will receive a FREE Shooter, mail names to: elek2ronik@gmail.com or text names to: 07971 283 852. Shooters are also only £1 before 10pm.
House. Electro House. Tech House. Electro.
Jaimie Fanatic
2 PhUnKeD uP!
50/50 Crew
Friday 27th February 2009 |
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