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Interview with El Greko

Reported by HarderFaster / Submitted 03-12-03 23:21

Life moves pretty fast - and for the winner of the Frantic & HarderFaster DJ competition, El Greko, things have moved even faster. From making his demo CD stand out amongst over 400 entries and then beating 3 other finalists with a virtuoso main stage performance at the Camden Palace, things have progressed to his main stage debut at the Camden Palace this Saturday 6th December and a landmark main stage set at the Ministry of Sound on New Year's Day. HarderFaster caught up with El Greko as he prepares for the big weekend ahead:

HarderFaster: You’ve been DJing a while now. How did you get started and has it always been Hard Dance that’s your passion?

I started DJing in 1988. I used to go clubbing with my friends and while they would dance the night away I would spend most of my time peering into the DJ box watching what the DJs were up to. My mates used to think I was a bit of a geek, but I just found it so fascinating how with 2 decks and a mixer these DJs would create new music and sounds with their mixing, seamlessly blending from one tune to another. I went to my first rave the same year and I was instantly hooked, I wanted to be playing the music that was sending the crowds crazy so the next day I went down to the west end and blew all my savings on a couple of decks and a mixer. I had no money left for tunes so I bought a crate of old charity records and started to learn to mix. Things were very different back then, there was no internet and I didn’t know any DJs so it was a case of trial and error to figure out how to do it. I think that’s one of the reasons people comment on my mixing style, it’s very unorthodox.

After a year or so I felt ready to start playing out and began approaching promoters and to my delight found it relatively easy to get gigs. I was playing what’s now known as old skool back then, but as times and music changed I found myself progressing into trance and finally into the harder stuff I play nowadays. These days Hard Dance is my real passion, inspired by the early days of hard house and being lucky enough to hear Tony De Vit at Trade I find I listen to little else nowadays.

HarderFaster: Describe the El Greko experience in 3 words?

Innovative, Creative, Stimulating.

HarderFaster: New Years Day at the Ministry of Sound will see you rub shoulders with the likes of Eddie Halliwell & Andy Farley in the main room. What where your thoughts when you found out you were booked for the event?

I was stunned to say the least. I’d spoken to Will who mentioned something about a booking for NYD at the MoS in the second room and I was elated with that, then a couple of days later I got a call to say I was playing in the main room! I was absolutely speechless. After the competition win I thought I might get the odd booking here and there from Frantic, but the level of support they have shown me is quite overwhelming with 2 amazing gigs lined up both centre stage! The other being ‘Return of The King’ at Camden Palace on Dec 6th.

I’m tremendously proud to be playing for Frantic, I have always loved Frantic events, the music policy, the DJs and the crowds are second to none and to be part of it is a dream come true. It really has surpassed my wildest expectations to be on the same bill as Andy and Eddie, I keep pinching myself to make sure I’m not dreaming. And just to add I consider Andy Farley to be the tightest most technical mixer I’ve ever heard and to see my name so close to his on the flyers just puts a HUGE grin on my face.

HarderFaster: For most people this would be a debut at the Ministry. Not for you though. Can you explain this for us?

Well my Djing career is a tale of 2 halves. I was on the pro circuit from 1990-1997 playing lots of gigs all over the country and playing most of the venues I wanted to play, including the Ministry, although never in the main room. In 1997 I got to a point where I was so busy Djing that it was starting to affect my real job. I work in TV as a VT editor and it is a very demanding job, with ridiculously long hours and it needs 100% commitment. I found it impossible to juggle the 2 anymore so I had to make a decision Djing or TV.

Although I was doing well with my Djing at the time, as most DJs will tell you unless you’re in the top 1% it is very very difficult to make a living from it so reluctantly I decided to quit the Djing and concentrate on my career.

Now when I say I love Djing that is a huge understatement and the only way I could stop was to quit cold turkey, I tried cutting down on gigs to leave more time for my work but I found I just couldn’t turn gigs down, so in the end I packed up all my equipment and records and stored them at my mum’s house. Out of sight out of mind I thought.

For the next 4 years I concentrated on my career, I rarely went clubbing because every time I did I yearned for my decks again. In 2001 some friends asked me to play at a party for old times sake, I thought what the hell and agreed but the second I stepped on the decks again I realised what a mistake I’d made in giving up, I was instantly bitten by the DJ bug once more and decided to unpack my decks and start spinning again.

Now the DJ scene had changed dramatically in the time I was off, there was a new breed of DJ, the superstar DJ, and suddenly being a DJ was thought of as being cool (unlike the old days where we were looked upon as a bit geeky. I’ve lost count of the times people would ask me why I wanted to be spinning the music instead of being in the crowd enjoying myself) So upon my return to the Djing world I found it very difficult to get gigs, it seemed everyone was a DJ nowadays. I didn’t mind though I was just happy to be on the decks again and getting the odd gig here and there. That was until Frantic came along and turned everything on its head. Suddenly I was booked for 2 huge nights and I finally am going to get my chance to play the main stage at the Ministry of Sound. That was always a slight sore point for me when I ‘retired’ I never played the main stage, and now thanks to Frantic I finally get my chance. Thank you guys.

HarderFaster: The HarderFaster DJ competition finals at Camden Palace were not an easy thing for a DJ to do. With only 15 mins each and a virtually empty venue it was not the best conditions to impress upon the Judges. Did you have a set approach to your performance?

Well firstly I was chuffed just to get to the final, the level of response for the competition was huge and I know a lot of excellent DJs that entered, so just being in the last 4 was an honour. When I was deciding on which set to send Frantic on CD for the competition I was in 2 minds. I had a progressive hard trance set done on 2 decks which was technically perfect or I had another set done on 3 decks but it was a bit loose in places, however it was very creative and complex. Now I considered the 3 deck mix to be more representative of my live style so I took the gamble and sent it in hoping the Frantic crew would understand the complexities of 3 deck mixing and forgive me the odd minor slip here and there.

The gamble paid off and when I received notification that I was in the final I decided to go hell for leather and just show off my skills as much as possible, this included a 2 minute long scratch routine!! I figured all the guys in the final would be excellent mixers/beatmatchers so I wanted to show what else I could do and I decided to pull out all the stops for a 15 minute rollercoaster ride.

The CP sound system was amazing, if not a little overpowering and due to the very limited time I had to beatmatch to pull off the routine properly I was a little worried I might miss my cue points. It really was all or nothing, it could so easily have gone pear shaped but I was confident if I did pull it off that it would have to be a very special set to beat me.

HarderFaster: After hearing all the finalists sets what were your honest thoughts on you winning the competition?

I have to say I thought the level of competition was fierce, all the finalists were excellent but I think my tricks won the day. As I suspected the mixing/beatmatching was superb from all the finalists (hey you don’t get to a Frantic final if you can’t mix) but no one else played a tricky set so I think the tricky style of set I played is what squeezed me through.

I’m absolutely certain the other guys will get their break too at some point, they really all were fantastic on the day, in very very tough conditions and I fully expect to be bumping into them on the circuit over the next few years. I guess it was just my day.

HarderFaster: You’re part of a unique new breed of DJs that incorporates scratching into their sets. Did you have to work hard to develop the skill or was it something that came to you quite easily?

I’ve always messed around with scratching in the past, but I never really considered it appropriate for dance music, being more a hip hop/RnB thing. However when I started getting into hard dance I soon realised that the long intros and rolling basslines leant themselves quite well to scratching so I started to experiment with a few routines and soon became hooked. Coincidentally around the same time I heard Eddie Halliwell’s BOSH cd and was really impressed with the scratching on that, which only confirmed my ideas about scratching and hard dance. So for the past 2 years I’ve been working very hard on my scratching to get it to a level where I could do it live. It is much harder to learn to scratch than it is to mix and to be honest I don’t consider myself to be a great scratcher at all, although I practice very hard so maybe one day I’ll give Eddie a run for his money 

Funnily enough although I practiced the scratch routine I did at the competition many times at home that was the first time I had done it live, and in a competition situation!! Let’s just say my hands were a tad sweaty that evening.

HarderFaster: Before you claimed 1st place in the competition were there any ambitions you have that you have now been able to fulfil?

Well as I mentioned earlier not playing the MoS main stage was always a thorn in my side. I used to go to the Ministry all the time back in the day after my gigs were over and I always loved the venue, and now to get a chance to play there has brought me full circle. I’m over the moon.

Also since Frantic have booked me my profile in the DJ scene has been raised tremendously. I’ve started to get promoters ringing me for a change and the bookings are rolling in. When I started Djing again my ambition was to be playing regularly at a few decent venues and this competition win has thrown the doors wide open for me again. I know one thing for sure if I have to choose between my job and Djing again it’ll be the job I’ll be saying goodbye to this time.

HarderFaster: Would you have any advice for other DJs who may enter DJ competitions?

Well to be honest this is the first competition I’ve ever entered so I’m not exactly a veteran when it comes to this sort of thing. I guess my advice would be to try to showcase your skills to the maximum extent possible. There are many many DJs who can mix perfectly so I think it’s important to be innovative with the music. Hard dance is fantastic because it’s so Dj friendly, with long intros and outros and this lends well to creativity so get creative. It does peeve me a bit when all I hear are DJs mixing bassline to bassline. There’s so much more you can do.

HarderFaster: How did the alias El Greko come about?

Well it’s quite simple really. When I first started Djing I was finding it very hard to come up with a DJ name, I’m Greek so my real name was out of the question, being almost unpronounceable to most people, so I was a bit stuck. I had a Spanish friend at the time who gave me the nickname El Greko, based on the Greek painter who lived in Spain and was dubbed El Greco by the locals (it means ‘the Greek’) and when I got my first gig the promoter asked me what to put on the flyer so my mate suggested El Greko. I was used to being called that anyway so thought what the hell, it’s memorable if nothing else, so I changed the ‘C’ to a ‘K’ and it stuck ever since.

HarderFaster: Everyone has their favourite DJs. In an ideal line up who would be your choice?

Wow this is a tough one, there are so many DJs I admire so choosing is very tough. I guess I would go for

Tony De Vit (RIP) - The man was a legend and was a pioneer of the hard sound I love today.

Andy Farley – Technically the best Dj I’ve ever heard, the man is a mixing machine and I aspire to be able to mix that well one day. Seamless and faultless, he really is the King.

Rob Tissera – I just love Rob’s sets, I think we have almost identical tastes in music with almost every tune he plays being in my box too. Fantastic.

Eddie Halliwell – Eddie has a very innovative mixing style with lots of tricks, a style very close to my heart, this is what Djing is all about for me, with real mixing not just transitioning from tune to tune.

Tara Reynolds – Again I just love Tara’s tunes and her set progression and construction, she really gets a party going and keeps the energy up throughout her sets. A real talent.

El Greko – haha. Not that I claim to be in the league of the above mentioned DJs, but just to be on the same bill as them would be sweet. I can warm up for them. 

El Greko plays first set at Frantic for 'Return of the King' on Saturday 6th December at the Camden Palace. For full details Click here.

Photos courtesy of El Greko and Amy

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The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: WEBBO on 4th Dec 2003 18:50.10
well done mate real shame i cant make the palace and
cheer u on hope it goes well and catch up with u soon

From: Elvis on 4th Dec 2003 18:58.51
Nice one mate! Well Deserved.

From: lunatik on 4th Dec 2003 20:23.17
wicked stuff dude! see ya down the front on saturday Thumbs up Big grin

From: *ELZ* on 4th Dec 2003 20:39.04
congrats mate, a great interview and some cool pics too Smile

From: James Jaye on 4th Dec 2003 20:46.05
nice interview...what a modest and thoroughly nice geezer.Best wishes mateThumbs up

From: DJ El_Greko on 4th Dec 2003 20:56.44
Hey guys, thanks for the comments, much appreciated. And Elz cheers for the photos, u can be my official photgrapher if u like Razz

From: ~deleted5181 on 4th Dec 2003 21:11.45
can't wait to hear you play at Ministry.. see you soon..

From: DJ El_Greko on 4th Dec 2003 21:29.59
Sharon, hurry up back to London. Clubbing aint the same without seeing you stomping away Smile

From: Melanie on 4th Dec 2003 21:46.33
Wicked interview. Can't wait for Saturday...

From: Mikey P on 4th Dec 2003 21:47.40
hey Aki, great interview mate. your sets are defenately as fast and exciting as your driving...... can't wait for Sat. i'll be there cheering and stomping like MAD!!! Love Dorit Smile

From: Maria on 4th Dec 2003 21:55.44
Hey Gorgeous....If you want to pratice your SCRATCHING you can use my BACK2FRONT anytime. Stay Cool! Mwha

From: Rascal on 5th Dec 2003 09:41.02
Yeah, what a nice fella - with willpower too! There's no way I could imagine packing up my decks!!

Good luck to you mate, after all your effort you definitely deserve it!

From: scottie-nye on 5th Dec 2003 09:59.31
top review, you come acroiss as really loving what you do El Grecko, and it sounds like you deserve every bit of success that comes your way

From: Lizzie Curious on 5th Dec 2003 11:49.50
what an interesting interview!
Congrats on winning the competition and I hope that I see you DJ - and super-scratch - out soon!

From: dori on 5th Dec 2003 17:42.17
Cool interview mate...
Looking forward to stomping at your set on Saturday!!! Will never forget your set at EGG for Frantic. It was realy special !!! Keep it up... Waves

From: disabled05 on 6th Dec 2003 20:03.16
Thanx again for the c.d mate, keep up the good work. Sorry I can't be there 2nite, will be thinking of u. Good luck, not that you need it! I'll def be there NYs Day @ MOS to support you, lookin forward to it! Thumbs up x

From: klosed on 7th Dec 2003 00:48.38
Dude, its fantastic to see how things have shaped up for you since that chat at the george a couple of months ago.....all well deserved Thumbs up

From: argh_01 on 7th Dec 2003 18:20.56
nice interview. Thumbs up
congrats on your success, and see you on NYD.

From: LittleMiss on 8th Dec 2003 00:09.24
I like to hear a success story - nice 1 mate

From: snowqueen on 8th Dec 2003 08:54.50
Wow what a set you played, you got the crowd flying was nice chatting to you, and hopefully see you at MoS

From: Lashed-Up on 8th Dec 2003 11:34.11
Congrats on what sounds like an explosive first set, start as you mean to go on huh, looking forward to seeing and hearing you soon! Ooh by the way, you're fucking gorgeous!!!

From: Lashed-Up on 8th Dec 2003 11:41.37
Congrats on what sounds like an explosive first set, start as you mean to go on huh, looking forward to seeing and hearing you soon! Ooh by the way, you're fucking gorgeous!!!

From: DJ El_Greko on 8th Dec 2003 13:04.53
Blush Wow, so much good feedback, thanx so much peeps. It really means a lot to me. Thumbs up

From: Steve Prince on 8th Dec 2003 13:57.43
keep it up mate

From: Paul Reeves on 8th Dec 2003 14:42.54
nice one big fella Wink

From: kellyk on 8th Dec 2003 17:33.47
We should make a new religon and you as God....just joking mate ur a class guy and you know it and love ur cd!!!! Not sure if i will make Camden but defo me & Lou up for Ministry!

From: sambo on 8th Dec 2003 18:05.28
U should be on a list with them all as u were on Sat at Camden. u were my favourite as well as all my mates. Nice one Bruvva.

From: sexyminx on 8th Dec 2003 20:49.07
Hi Aki. well done and keep on going. it's a pleasure to know you Claps Hands

From: djjoepearce on 10th Dec 2003 17:47.45
nice 1 my sun!! quite a special achievement - onwards and upwards from here eh? ill be hot on ur heels soon mate!! cant wait to hear u play out - if u scratch anythin like eddie ul be elivated to the top of my dj idol list!!

keep on keepin on!!

From: tinkapill on 14th Dec 2003 15:00.07
Add your comments here !Hey god of the decks, I'm so pleased that things are going this well for you. I love coming along to all the venues where you play cause you seem to know exactly what i like, and i find it hard to sit still through any of yor sets. And as for your Hardass cd, well i have a copy in the car in the stereo in the living room and a copy on my computer, what can i say i love it. Keep up the good playing and i hope to see you real soon.

From: sweet_kelly on 15th Dec 2003 09:51.57
Well done, babe. I took your cd back in my country with me and give it to everybody. They love it. I told u...
Take care and see u soon. Mmmwwah!

From: shazzabazza on 15th Dec 2003 12:34.54
Big congratulations to you! A star in the making Star

From: Pascal D on 15th Dec 2003 15:57.42
Well done mate, did see you at the fridge on Saturday night but did not get a chance to meet you, good luck and all the best, now go and kick some buts................

From: AL_X on 16th Dec 2003 11:33.01
Well done mate - You're a talented bastard and deserve all the credit you get! It's good to see that it's all coming together for you, especially after all the work you've put in.

From: DJACE Luffman on 23rd Dec 2003 13:28.37
Add your comments here !el greko.keep up the good work.we all loved your 1st set a camden at the return of the king.u smashed the place with the tunes,ie.whiplash & the ever massive breathe "come on".keep it up & i look 4ward 2 play along side u in the future.your a credit to us all m8.peace,love & belly button ace luffman

From: xffx on 24th Dec 2003 23:38.36
Just heard the demo (finally!) - really impressed with it, well done mate Thumbs up

From: Hard House Hippy on 2nd Jan 2004 10:18.44
Who is this El Greko anyway?!
Seriously Aki, well done mate. you deserve the praise.

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