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The HarderFather speaks! Meet him yourself at the HF vs The Residents Xmas Party

Reported by Latex Zebra / Submitted 28-11-07 22:14

There comes a time in an interviewer’s life where they go beyond questioning their heroes. In my many years on HarderFaster I have interviewed some huge names in dance music. But nothing can compare to the giddiness I felt when attempting to interview the most important person to ever grace HarderFaster... to some he is Dad, to others The HarderFather, a few others call him Nemesis and the remaining few call him Mr SnookyPants.

You know him, you love him and on December 8th he is throwing a massive party at Hidden with the help of many of the promotions and DJs who have supported this site over the years.

He is Matt, he is the Governor and below he answers his most probing interview ever. Not including any by the local constabulary or MI5 of course.

Who are you? Tell us about yourself and don’t leave anything out that might be embarrassing or entertaining. Though keep it to a couple of paragraphs... think of the bandwidth...

Hi! My name is Matt, and I’m an alcoho... Oops, sorry. Wrong site!

Let’s start again...

Hi! My name’s Matt and I live in Surrey with my wife, Lisa aka Saucepan Tits. We were married by a waterfall in Iceland in January 2006 and some idiot thought it would be really cool to go snowmobiling after lunch. Even though alcohol is quite expensive in Iceland we still managed to put away a few bottles of wine and by the time we got to the glacier it was very dark and we were very merry. I was driving the snowmobile with Lisa on the back and 5 minutes into the experience we took a corner too sharply and tipped over. I jumped up without a scratch, but Lisa couldn’t move her arm. We returned to Reykjavik where we were told Lisa had fractured, rotated and dislocated her elbow and needed an operation to install plates and wires. Not the best start to married life and as you might imagine I was extremely sheepish when I saw my new in-laws at the hospital. Lisa’s fine now and we look back and remember how fantastic our wedding was, up to that point.

Oh, and the embarrassment is that the idiot was me...

What did you do before you became the HarderFather Ver. 2.0?

I used to be a club photographer. A couple of months before Tom started HarderFaster I created a site called UKClubPix to showcase the pictures I took. I had a reputation for creeping up on people, taking surprise shots and then extorting large sums to keep them out of the public arena. Actually I think I was quite good at sparing peoples’ blushes, although one day I may review the UKClubPix archives to boost my retirement fund. I do miss club photography — it’s a great way to meet people — but unfortunately I just don’t have the time to process and upload the images and to be honest I think there are too many photographers in clubs these days.

What do you do now you are the HarderFather Ver. 2.0?

I run HarderFaster, maintaining the site and keeping everything going. Taking over was a baptism of fire as I was not familiar with websites and Tom, the HarderFather Ver 1.0 left for his honeymoon 13 days later. Of course all the important questions occurred to me after his departure when he was incommunicado. I found myself working 18+ hour days, 7 days a week, trying to get to grips with everything, but thankfully Tom left a good beginner’s guide and I already knew most of the promoters from UKClubPix. These days we are extremely lucky to have a great team working on the site and I’m sure we’d have closed long ago were it not for all their hard work. Well, either that or I’d have had a nervous breakdown.

Just how much time and energy is involved in running a website like HarderFaster?

I could easily spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, working on HarderFaster and still have more to do, so I try to prioritise. Sometimes things slip by so if you don’t get an answer give me a kick.

Could anyone do it, seriously or do you have to be a web wizard?

I’m sure there are a lot of people who would be capable of running HF but I like to think I bring a balance to the site. Actually it’s far less about the technical side and more making the right decisions and I have to admit I have made my fair share of bad ones.

What achievements are you proudest of for this site?

The reason I bought HF was to keep it independent and I believe we have upheld that tradition and we continue to provide an unbiased outlook on the clubbing and dance music scene. HarderFaster is not commercially driven; we try to give something back to our members and the clubbing community.

What hopes do you have for the future of this site?

Obviously I’d like HarderFaster to become as big as Facebook and to be turning down billion dollar offers for a piece of the action. Actually, that’s not true. I am very happy we’ve kept the community spirit of HarderFaster and I hope we can continue more of the same. We’re expanding in South Africa where the clubbing scene seems to be doing very well and we’re speaking to some big names about how we can work together. We’re also looking at how we can extend the appeal of the site and considering new forums with participation sport high on the list. Stay tuned to HarderFaster in 2008!

Quite a few high profile clubbing resources have disappeared over the last few years; how has HarderFaster managed to weather this storm?

I must admit we have found it tough. 2005/6 saw traffic more than double from the previous year, but during late 2006 and early 2007 we saw a large decline. I think that was partly because of the competition and also that corporate IT departments started installing web monitoring and filtering software. Management suddenly realised their staff were spending a lot of time on the important business of the HF forums rather than their paid work and took exception. Tom actually pre-empted this way back in 2002/2003 and he set up an ingenious hidden back door. For obvious reasons this is never publicised on the site, but feel free to contact the moderators for further information.

On the upside, things do seem to have stabilised now and we are looking quite healthy.

Is the hard dance scene dying and would you consider changing the name of this site if no one listened to hard or fast music anymore?

The hard dance scene continues to flourish outside London and from what I’m hearing still attracts large crowds in the rest of the world. With the advent of 24-hour drinking I think London clubbers are spoiled for choice as to where they spend their time and their money. London pubs and bars often have a DJ, they don’t usually charge for entry and drinks prices are far cheaper than clubs, so the days of clubbers going on after the pub are long gone. London clubs and promoters need to add a wow factor: more live acts with a strong stage presence, more novelties, more themes, more fun!

The other thing I’ve noticed is a return to the multi-genre events we saw in the ’90s, where you might hear a good set progression of trance, hard dance and/or techno on the same night. Personally I get bored hearing just one genre so I welcome this move.

In the early days of HarderFaster there seemed to be a “them and us” mentality — if you liked hard dance you couldn’t possibly like trance/house/another genre and vice versa. I’ve always preferred a wide variety of music so one of the first things I did when I took over was to expand the genres we covered. We still occasionally see comments linking the name of the site to the music we support, but I do think we’ve made a successful transition to cover a wider musical base and I’d like to see that continue. Anyone for a bit of Mozart?

Some people think HarderFaster is a porn site so the name is not necessarily synonymous with hard music. We did consider changing the name or adding new names/urls to provide additional portals to specific areas of the site, but HarderFaster is so well known the world over I think we’d always keep the url. Lisa, Shaf and Fi came up with a great by-line, “Work Hard, Play Harder” which I think describes a lot of HF members, so is a good way to brand the site and distance ourselves from the hard/fast genre somewhat.

The forums on here have always been renowned for being lively, humorous and sometimes scathing. Is that still the case despite a recent back lash from some users?

One of the aspects which first attracted me to HarderFaster was the intelligence and diversity of content and opinion on the forums, ranging from clubbing and event information through topical debate, news, current affairs, and rounded off with a large dose of quality humour. People sometimes say things are different now, but having access to the archived threads and looking back over the years I’m pretty sure we’ve retained a lot of the quality of days gone by.

Who, apart from me obviously, is the most entertaining user you’ve encountered on the boards?

Well, “obviously” apart from you I’d have to say Banjaxt. A mix of insightful, thought provoking, humorous and the downright irreverent, which I think is actually common of a lot of HF posters. He just does it better.

Are you man enough to tell us who is the least?

Certain users’ contributions are really of no interest to me, I find it very sad they get their kicks from other people’s pain and misery. As observed however, these people often create “car-crash” interest and excitement, and therefore hits, so I guess I should be happy from a business perspective. On balance, I think I’d rather forgo that dubious benefit however.

Music and clubbing bring people together, crossing class, age, race, sexuality and all the things that divide us in our everyday lives. I am a believer of the adage of PLUR and whilst I accept that people may not always agree with each other or even like each other, I think of HarderFaster as one big community where people can meet, share, entertain and help each other and the negative should be kept to a minimum. God knows, this modern world needs a bit of community spirit and PLUR.

I’m sure you never have to pay to get in most places these days, can you remember the last party you paid to get into?

Erm, is this a trick question?

I’m fairly sure the only event I’ve had to pay to get into in the past five years was one of yours at the 414...

Usually reserved for DJs, but what are your top three tunes of all time?

‘Adagio for Strings’

‘Age of Love’

‘Bits and Pieces’


‘Loops & Tings’

Oops, that’s more than three. Counting was never a strong point.

And favourite three DJs?

Adam Symbiosis — the life and soul of the party. I’ve never known a DJ with so much enthusiasm and energy and one who’s made me miss my last train on more occasions.

Ferry Corsten — his closing set in the HarderFaster arena at SW4 was perfect. The way he took us on a musical journey was nothing short of masterful and few other DJs read the crowd as well as he does.

K90 — uplifting, energetic and always has a smile on his face which infects the crowd. A quality entertainer.

And what are you favourite promotions?




If the World Wide Web shut down tomorrow, what would you do with yourself instead?


Finally, when is Space becoming a Moderator?

Space made such a good honorary moderator on his birthday a few years ago we offered him a full time position. He turned us down. Sensible man.

We’re all looking forward to seeing you at the annual HF XMess party, check this out:

HF vs The Residents Xmas Party 2007
Send an eFlyer for this event to a friend Include this Event in a Private Message Direct link to this Event
On: Saturday 8th December 2007
At: Hidden [map]

From: 13:00 - 21:00
Cost: £3 donation with all profits to the Kent Air Ambulance
Ticket Info: Suggestion donation on the door £3 - with all profits going to the Kent Air Ambulance in memory of Richard Zimmerling.
More: With Christmas just round the corner what better way to kick off the festivities than with the annual HF vs The Residents Payback to Back. And we’ve got some great presents for you to unwrap in the luxurious surroundings of Hidden!

We bring you 48 DJs and three rooms of the best dance music around featuring resident DJs from your favourite promotions going head to head with the cream of HF DJs, from house to trance to hard dance, you can be guaranteed to enjoy a festive feast of music!

There’ll also be surprises on the day, games to play, competition prizes, special deals at the bar and of course the magical winter garden for all you smokers out there.

We’d also like you to know this year we’ve lost someone important to us but we want you to come and celebrate the life of Richard Zimmerling with us and his friends. We’ll be asking for donations on the door with all profits, every single last penny, donated to the Kent Air Ambulance in the hope that they can continue to save lives in danger.

Plus What's in Santa's Sack?

To boost the charity fund we're running a raffle at the HarderFaster vs The Residents Xmas payback 2 back free party and there are some amazing prizes to be won!

Here are just a few of the goodies we've got lined up for you:
Year’s free entry to Ministry of Sound
VIP entry for 2 to Ministry of Sound New Year Eve
Year’s free entry to Party Proactive
VIP entry for 2 to Closer New Year Eve
Guestlist to Extreme Euphoria, Going Places and Zoology
A compere / slave for the night to a party of your choice

DJ Mag Subscriptions
Music packs from Mondo
Music Packs from New State
Rotterdam Music Fesitval goodies
A day in the studio with Adam White + dinner with the lovely Minimoo!
A day in the studio from Fevah
Signed Dub Plate of Perfect Drug from DJ X
A collection of Back To Mine CDs
A selection of T-Shirts from DMC World

Signed CDs from K90, BK and others
Mix CDs from the DJs
HF goodies
Wooden Spoons!

And there's more super surprises to come!
Region: London
Music: Trance. Euro Trance. Hard Trance. Tech Trance. HardStyle. House. Bouncy House. Funky House. Hard House. Prog House. US House. Vocal House. Electro House. Soulful House. Tech House. Club Classics. Electro. Soul.
DJ's: Santa's Hard Grotto:

Skol (Sundaze) vs Trevor Dans
Tony Duzzit (HecticUK) vs Sebastien
Billy Daniel Bunter (Tasty) vs Andy McCall
Phil Lankester (Puzzle Project) vs Miles Gorfy
Phil Reynolds (Digital Creation) vs April
Latex Zebra (Zoology) vs Dean Zone
The Dangerous Brothers AKA DJ X vs Steve Milton
Andy Farley (Party Proactive) vs K8-e

Red Rudolph's In A Trance:

Ped (Ascendance) vs ERC
Rav Takhar (Digital Society) vs Tony Skitini
Steve Hitch (Spangulation) vs Mat Lock
Marc Vedo (Koolwaters) vs Rick Deacon
Trevor McLachlan (Friendz) vs Matt Dahl
Steve Anderson & Adam Symbiosis pres. the DJSA Records B2B
Anthony Dean (Knowwhere) vs Ian Edwards
Dale Corderoy (Mondo Records) vs Pathfinder

The Elf’s House:

Damion Burbank (Totally Funkt) vs Mark Rawson
Guy Garrett (DMC World)
Nacho (Spiritualised) vs Jim Wild
Matt Thompson (Maximal) vs Niall Gilliand
Ilana Belsky (Going Places) vs Marcus Rich
David Murtagh (Prehab) vs Craig Gunn
The Real Tony Montana (Push) vs Greg Zizique

Who's Going? (219) : *Ellie*, *VaNeSsA*, 00Frenchy, 2-shay, Aaron_Moorish, acidmangakid, Adam Symbiosis, aga679, Alan-Banks, alex_k, anders, Andy Dunford, Andy McCall, andyandy, angelictam, antiworld, anushka007, Attack Of The Jowlyhound, B.S.E, bacardiocollio, BeBe, Becka, bennett, Benton Wells, Big Anders, BottleofWater, brad duke, bugbitten, bugsy505, Camden Nurse, Carine, Carla 414, Cerberus, Charlie Bradley, cheerio, chickenpie, chill, ck, ClappedoutBike., CLK, CyBenetiK, Daf, dani d, Daniel K, dave the rave, Davey_Boy, Dean R, Dean Zone, Didoo, Digital D, Dirty Old Bastard, DJ Widow, djdyju, DMX, Donnie (retired), Donny Bird, DrSuave, ED_case, El Hombre, fabio jones, fantastic_mr_fox, farhada, Fi, FIGJAM, flavour2804, Flip, Frani Heyns, Frank E, Funboy Hashtag Yoloswaggins, garyoptim, ghiury, GingerSalmon, Gordon Darley, Graham Gold, Greg Zizique, guy garrett, HarderFaster, HarderFaster Editorial, Hedgehog, Hitch the Knife, Homo erectus, Hot Chips, hypermonkey, Ian Edwards, Ian H, Ilana B, James Rae, jef, Jennie B, Jihad Joey, Jim Wild, Jo Bright, John Funnell, K8-e, katie b, Katied, KatyKoo, kayos, kevsey.d, kevster, KimBee, kr00t0n, La Twinkle, Lam, Lewis Hamiltons beard, Lingchong, Lis, little devil, Little Miss Moo, lollypop_lisa, londonqueen, luke warner, madame whiplash, Manne, MarkyMark, markysparky20, Mat Lock, Matt, Matt Dahl, MDA, Merc, migs, Miles Gorfy, minimoo, Miss BakLash!!, miss marie, miss mischa, Missnaughty, MissyT, Mizz_behavin, moggyy, Nacho, NatalieSasha, Nathalie, NatNat, Nomi Sunrider, Nosferat0, NUMBERPLATEGIRL, Odette, Party Penny, Pathfinder, Paul Divine, paul jack, Pauly, Ped, peterg22, phil lankester, pinkE, Pinkz, Plan9, PonyBoy., prehabDJ, Private1, Psychotic Penguin, Purple Delight, ravechick, Raving frog, raving_pixie, richbowenuk, Richie Classics, Rick D, rossy, Ryan Wilkinson, Safe As Fuck, Saint., Sara, SaraS, Sats, SchemaDesign, scousedanny, SEBASTIEN, Sela, sexyminx, SexySenorita, sh*tc*nt, shaggs, Shasa, Siena, Sioux, slacky, Slink., Smudge., Sonic_chick_, sparkleberry*, STACE, steelo kuchiki, Stev0b, SWAMP UK, T-bag, Tall Stac, Tara, Thirsty Thursdays, Tiger, Tiggsy, Timmy Whiz, Tinker.Bell, Tinks, Titanic1961, TONY DUZZIT, TR1CKY, Trance Fairy, Trevor McLachlan, ViKa, VinDiesel, vixta, WEBBO, wykah, x-ray, xffx, yvonne, yvonnesexy, zuzana, ~deleted11575, ~deleted12163, ~deleted1390, ~deleted3566, ~deleted5181, ~deleted5662,  
HF Photographer: ziob HF Reviewer: ~deleted1390

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Other Features By Latex Zebra:
From Little Acorns to Mighty Oaks - How Chilled in a Field has grown
Bar 414 unveils a new dimension with Base Mosquito
Brandon Block gets Funky 414 London!
Dissecting Scot Project
How To: Be a Promoter in six easy steps - Part 2
The views and opinions expressed in this review are strictly those of the author only for which HarderFaster will not be held responsible or liable.

From: Gordon Darley on 28th Nov 2007 22:30.37
Go on son!!

From: ~deleted1390 on 28th Nov 2007 22:38.51
Are you my Daddy?

From: zimbolicious on 29th Nov 2007 06:05.40
hehe Kiss

From: Nomi Sunrider on 29th Nov 2007 07:57.30
Nice one pops.

From: minimoo on 29th Nov 2007 09:02.28

From: Neats on 29th Nov 2007 10:43.47
I remember the days of UK Club pics Back in the day

From: steelo kuchiki on 29th Nov 2007 11:25.19
what time is graham gold on?

From: anushka007 on 29th Nov 2007 13:17.45
Excellent read guys!!!!!!

From: *antixa* on 29th Nov 2007 14:42.51
Bring on the "multi-genre events". It's the way forward! I'm so happy that HF is in the hands of such a great man. It brings Joy to my thoughts and tears to my eyes! :Hippie

From: Zem on 29th Nov 2007 14:53.02
You'll always be 'half-mast' to me.

From: Maria on 29th Nov 2007 19:09.11
Mmmwwah! Best dad in the world!!! Shame I'll miss Harderfaster party as I'm leaving to Brazil next Tuesday but I'm sure it's going to be wicked...i'll send Enrico instead!!! Glad to see that Antiworld is one of your favourite promotions! Mummy! Woohoo oo oo oo

From: antiworld on 29th Nov 2007 19:16.00
Thanks for your dedication mate and your help in the last few years ...i will see you at the party my friend!!!

From: Camden Nurse on 30th Nov 2007 14:15.42
Good stuff!

From: Tartipants on 30th Nov 2007 14:39.45
Aww SnookyPants you have come so far... Kiss

From: K8-e on 30th Nov 2007 15:21.18
Not worthy... Matt you are the man! Harderfaster is such a fantastic place. Thanks for all your support. Heartbeat

From: Mizz_behavin on 30th Nov 2007 19:41.38
Who? Was he on here before me? Tee hee hee
Mmmwwah! beers on you then Dad on the 8th?

From: djdyju on 30th Nov 2007 21:59.24
Good idea for a topic and great read. Well done guys

From: suzy-q on 1st Dec 2007 05:18.34
Woooooot! for the harderfather. a crazy fabulous guy. I soooo wish I could be at the HF party, it's always great fun.

From: Paul on 2nd Dec 2007 00:13.53
i'm glad you have the bull by the horns *fnar* *fnar* Smile

From: Adam Symbiosis on 2nd Dec 2007 01:14.16
Blush Thanks boss (plus many apologies to Mrs HarderFather)

From: raving_pixie on 3rd Dec 2007 09:08.47
Heartbeat See you at the bar. Big grin

From: Hard Dance Ireland on 3rd Dec 2007 11:55.05
great Read very interesting indeed, keep up the good work Smile

From: Stakker on 3rd Dec 2007 14:02.27

From: Jennie B on 4th Dec 2007 15:09.09
Bring back Steve Twist

Oh and I didnt see much entusiasm from you favorite dj when he walked off from the decks in heaven whileplay a b2b set with Glyn Waters.....very professionalClaps Hands

From: Ian Edwards on 4th Dec 2007 22:10.11
Nice work matt, and thanks.

From: Tara on 5th Dec 2007 01:31.26
Here's to keeping it 'professional' eh Jennie! Big love to the HarderFather for everything he's done for the dance scene and looking forward to this Saturday...

From: Timmy Whiz on 5th Dec 2007 10:17.15
HarderFather, seeing as i've note seen any of my pocket money you can pay in full at the xmas party Smile
See you all there Yay!

From: HouseGuy on 5th Dec 2007 13:42.04
This is one of the best interviews I read in my whole time on the scene. Matt is truly a superb individual who made this site stay the top of his game. I am happy to say that I am attempting to do the same with the site in SA.
Matt, Lee-Ann and I can only say one things - good going!

From: Lizzie Curious on 5th Dec 2007 18:24.46
You rock Matt! x

From: Jennie B on 6th Dec 2007 21:21.49
tara....that my opinion

From: Matt on 7th Dec 2007 16:54.24
Blush Thanks for all the lovely comments & hope to see you all at the Xmas Party tomorrow Razz

From: Norris123 on 12th Dec 2007 11:01.45
battybattybatty matty!

So sorry I couldn't be there...I tried to hitch a ride on Santa's sledge but the fat bastard didn't have enough room!

Glad it went accordingly!

Loving the interview!


From: PSYLICIOUS on 13th Dec 2007 14:45.58
Great interview Matt ;o)

From: szatan on 14th Dec 2007 15:12.18
nice interview MattEvil

From: Claire99 on 21st Dec 2007 12:02.01
great read Matt x

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